JENSONGS BLOG:# 1 by Scott E Jensen for all blogs,our free Pod cast talk show Jensongs Bands 4 albums click on this link……
As stated in songs, and in our previous talk show “The 2 Scotts show” and again most recently in our new Revamped “Jensongs PODCAST” shows, with Scott E Jensen and Scott I Ross, I WAS literally born into a musical family, where I had two parents who sang 4 part harmony (Barbershop Quartet style) where at the age of 6, I was …really performing on stage singing with my father, older sister, and younger brother. Can you Imagine that experience, when you were 6 years old? Some cant even remember anything when they were 6 years old.
So music has been as much a part of my being as any of my limbs, and it was always natural for me to sing all the time….and yes, I really could sing before I could talk.
Because of that, music and singing, has always been an everyday thing for me.(more about growing up in a musical family in detail with be covered in our books we’re also working on)
but we wanted to express to you all why we really feel you need to listen to our original songs now, with YOUR ears, and listen to the emotion I sing these songs with., and why we feel its important for you to purchase our music.
It is all the real deal, and as you hear the recordings, youlle hear that emotion as I was living it at the time. Scott I Ross and I are serious about our songs.our lyrics and the message is the other most important part of our music.
As many of you music lovers know, music, lyrics, and even singing can be very therapudic. We write also with you the listener in mind. We want to connect with you, and share our experiences, which many are the same that you all experience. We perform for you, and ourselves us on these recordings, what you hear is the truth, our truth told in a song, and performance.
As far as all our Facebook friends, we read what you are all going through.
We see it everyday that you post here. We see that some of you are lonely, frustrated, heartbroken, alone, some are going through some serious health issues. We hear you, and can appreciate your struggles, and we want you to know, that our music is designed to try to make you feel better about yourself. Give you courage, Hope, and that there are things that can be done for all of us, but we have to go for it. seek it, and utilize what you can to help yourself.
“Cherish all the days of your life. Have a great day. for
thanks for reading todays “JENSONG BLOG”
Scott E Jensen JENSONGS BLOG: by Scott E Jensen for all blogs,our free Pod cast talk show Jensongs Bands 4 albums click on this link…………….
JENSONGS DAILY BLOG: 2 After you read this…go on this web site our 4 albums and free pod cast as well as all blogs.
Has there been a time where you felt that a special friend that was always there for you, suddenly went away? Could have been a mate, spouse, good friend, parent, or even a pet, that have been in your life for a considerable amount of time. Almost everyday, greeting you at your door, always there to love you and make you feel complete? Som…e have drifted away, others have passed away, but you will never forget what they’ve done for you in your life.
” A Friend Like You” then is a song for you.
I’ve gone through some of the same things as you, and when it’s hard to lose that friend, we must find a way to accept and carry on, especially when we have no control over it. This is our way of paying tribute to those that have touched us deeply. You will love this song, and probably bring a tear to your eye, but they are tears of memories, and thanks to those who have left us.
“A friend Like You”
By Jensongs band our catalog Volume 1, 2, 3, 4.
Jensongs “Band” DAILY BLOG: #3
Have you ever met someone who you feel you’ve met in another life? Or that you were supposed to be with?
All of a sudden, they come into your life out of no where, and something comes over you that gets your life’s attention? And you cannot think of anything else? That’s when you feel that “Love Is On The Way”…
So “Open up your heart, and welcome it in.”
Jensongs band “Love Is On The Way” is an emotional song for you to relate to. Find it through
and listen before you buy, you will love it, and the albums. Are you as sensitive to emotions as the next person?
You can also access our free Jensongs, Scott and Scott’s PODCAST Shows, where we discuss all topics from music, Comedy, social media, Hollywood, Movies, to politics. Or any subject, you would like us to discuss. Serious matters like illnesses, depression etc, we also discuss.
We encourage more of you to email us with your questions, comments, concerns, shout outs to friends and family, we design our music as therapy for us, and you.. We thank you again for, buying our music, and for the encouraging emails we receive from you.
Our music is meant to entertain, encourage, relate, and make you think about what’s important to all of us, and have fun. Jensongs band writes, records and performs all instruments and singing in our own humble home studio. We are not told what to do by big record company executives, we are OUR OWN label and recording company, so we are writing songs on an individual basis, no album fillers.
Each song we write with a specific message in mind.
After reading this go to and listen to the FREE JENSONGS PODCAST streaming shows, and then go to our music page and check out our 3-4 digital albums titles Jensongs Volume 1, 2, 3, 4. You can also watch all of our promo vids we’ve made for each song. Have a great day, and keep music and positive thoughts singing in your head. For Jensongs band, thank You, Scott Jensen
Jensongs “Band” Daily Blog: #5
After you read this go on this web site Listen to our 4 albums Jensongs Volume 1-4, our promo videos for our songs, and Free Podcasts.
For me, summer is the best time of the year. We get in touch with nature, with the bright warm sun, flowers, and all animals and birds everywhere, you feel like you’re in Utopia. So while you’re in that Uforic state, you may be hoping to find that soul mate, if he or she is out the…re.
“I Was Alone” (till you came along) ……
is the song of the day for you to relate to.
on Jensongs Volume 2,
Written with no specific person in mind except the one of your dreams, which you haven’t met yet.
And for those who’s hearts are in Country Music,
“I Was Alone” leans in your direction.
Jensongs Band, writes songs in all genres, we have
“I Was Alone” for you.
Click on the web site link and follow to
Jensongs Volume 2.
I guarantee after listening to “I Was Alone”
It will bounce around in your head long after the song is over.
Have a great day, and keep a song singing in your head today.
Scott E Jensen for Jensongs band.
Jensongs Band Daily blog # 6
After you read this go to.
And check out our Jensongs digital albums ;
Volume 1-4, and also see our promo videos for our songs. And the Scott and Scott Podcast is back by popular demand.
We are all blessed again to wake up to a new day, and thankful we are here once again to experience another day as a human being. Thankful for our friends, family, and things that keep us looking onward to another great day.
But some are struggling, with family, friends, and mates too. And at times we don’t know who to talk to, or where to go. Jensongs Band has considered that situation we all may find ourselves in, when we wrote, and recorded “Talk To The Web Site” on
Jensongs Volume # 1 Click on this link; is really there for you. Offering you more than just a friend, so look for “Talk To The Web Site” on Volume 1, where Jensongs Band is literally talking to you.
“We can be a friend to you” We are there for you
Jensongs Blog # 8 Read this then go on our web site we have 4 albums new original music..a free pod cast and more….Remember…..July 4 1776…..was never about beer…hot dogs…fire works….it was to choose…independence over the English……today we must choose it over…..all that make us dependent….boss supervisor…….Wife husband kids friends……..even our own thoughts…….we must declare independence over our own mind …and thoughts……independence means to depend on ones self…….Scott Ross 7 3 15……. So today…..239 years later…..we all are still not independent……let us become the Paul Revere of today……our songs to lead people to that which the founding fathers wanted for all……America is only 239 years old……China is over 5000……Israel…6000…..Europe 4000…..people need leaders today…so we can last……..we can do it through songs….pod casts…….we must not stop…the fight for real freedom……Scott Ross 7 3 15………Jensongs band Scott Ross Scott Jensen |
Jensongs blog # 9 Read this then go on our web site We have 4 albums of new original music, a free pod cast, and more. As we all enjoy the summer months and warm weather, most of us, text our friends through the various social media outlets, to touch base, or arrange a get together, kids also have their media outlets, where they send eachother pics etc, when some of us older people wanted to find our friends, we’d just ride our bikes around until… you saw all the bikes, on the ground, grass, sidewalks and driveways of the kids we knew. That told us where everyone was. Today we text and Tweet people as our communication. Jensongs band has written a song about aspect of kids Tweeting eachother, with our fun ” The Tweet Song” on Jensongs Volume 1, through With our 4 four digital albums simply titled; Jensongs Volume 1, 2, 3, and 4. You can hear all songs in their entirety before purchase. Go to Have a great day, happy Tweeting. From Scott Ross, and myself (Scott Jensen) and Jensongs Band. |
Jensongs blog # 10
Read this then go on our web site
We have 4 albums of new original music, a free pod cast, and more.
Have you ever had a relationship with someone who had a corrosive type of personality? Or ever felt like an ice cube thrown into boiling water? On Jensongs Volume 3 you get both experiences in two songs by the Jensongs band.…
Listen to our songs, and take special note on the first song on Jensongs Volume 3 to “Boiling Ice Cube”, and see if you relate to that experience, or a few songs later on Volume 3 listen to “Corrosive Person”.
Seem like someone you know?
Scott E Jensen for Scott I Ross, and Jensongs Band.
Jensongs blog # 12
Read this then go on our web site
We have 4 albums of new original music, a free pod cast, and more.
Jensongs Band Asks: How many of you have been enjoying the summer? …
For vacations, visiting long lost friends, enjoying the outdoors, swimming etc?
As summer draws to a close, and vacations are almost over, and we all have to go back to work, or for some of us, back to school, did any of you experience depression, that it’s almost over? I’m sure many of you have, I have before too, and then getting back to the grind again?
Did you meet anyone during your vacation that became a new friend? Are you missing them too?
Do you feel like asking them to Come Back? Come Back Tomorrow!
“Baby, Come Back Tomorrow”, “Cuz, I Can’t Wait Another Day”
“Come Back Tomorrow, cuz I Need You Today”
On Jensongs Volume 2, “Come Back Tomorrow”
Shares your pain, and longing, go to
Experience the music from Jensongs Band, it’s good for you. Good, honest, crystal clear vocals, great melodies and Bass lines, and…..
and it’s even Gluten Free.
Jensongs blog # 13
Read this then go on our web site
We have 4 albums of new original music, a free pod cast, and more.
Have you ever felt like you’ve been treated like you were talking to the Mother of the kid you killed? Even though, the kid is alive and well?…
And or your brothers and sisters also treat you like you killed their sibling?
Even though the sibling is you?
Real murderers many times are in prison, forgiven by the actual family for their horrific crimes, sometimes even let out of jail with “Good behavior” and here you are after 20 years or more, still convicted in your own family for something you never did?
Interesting thought?
Go to, to the first album by Jensongs Band..”Volume 1″, and listen to
“What Have You Done To My Son”?
It’s sure to shake up your emotions a bit, by putting you in that situation.
But how would you feel?
What else can you do, to pay this debt, to be forgiven, for what you supposedly did?
Jensongs Band once again asks: ……..
“What Have You Done To My Son?”
Jensongs Volume 1
And any comments?
Jensongs blog # 14
Read this then go on our web site
We have 4 albums of new original music, a free pod cast, and more.
Many of us have friends and even family members that we’ve had to UN-friend from our social media sites, due to years of mental abuse, accusations, slanderous made up stories, and/or sibling rivalry that had never matured even as you all grew into adulthood. Well, you can only take so much of that abuse, right ? So you unfriend them. Do you feel guilty?
You shouldn’t!
Self preservation ! And do these people really deserve to know intimate details of your daily life? For what? These people feel entitled to treat you like crap, but still feel like their entitled to read your home page!
As they ask you to give them your main goal in life, and how long you perceive it will take you to get there, you’re biggest accomplishment, what your most proud of, what you most regret about your life, if you can change anything in your life what would it be. In other words, they say, let them know you you really are!
Really? After all this time, with all the back stabbing, they want to know who you are?
Who benefits from this knowledge, you or them?
Have they done anything in your best interest?
So, don’t you feel bad or guilty for UN-friending them from your various social media sites!
Just go and do it! Feel proud of who you are.
Listen to: “I UN-friended My Brother” from Jensongs Band on “New Songs” albums, soon to be out on Volume 4
Go to :
“I UN-Friended my brother”
(Like I did with any other)….and check out our promo vids too.
Scott E Jensen
for JENSONGS Band.
Jensongs blog # 16
Read this then go on our web site
We have 3 full albums of new original music, and 4th due to be released soon, a free pod cast, and more.
How do you handle a friend who constantly shuts down your friendship, or threatens to shut down your friendship, or constantly claims your not a real friend because you don’t call or text them at least every other day? Or what about summer when you go on vacation, and you don’t communicate with them much, due to your family recreation, and or your connective issues.
(some places cell phones and connections will not work) as they accuse you of lying?
Are you not a real friend to them? Are you being self centered by spending time incommunicado with your family? Is it really your fault that they feel they are always waiting for you or chasing you down? When you give them explanations, they call them excuses….
What do you do? You’re feeling like you’re walking on egg shells, and having to be careful of what ever you say may be either taken out of context, or mocked.
Others have suggested before, that you just continue living your life as long as you are not intentionally trying to hurt them, and when you come back, just ask them if they have gotten over this problem, are they ok now to continue on?
Go to Http:// and check out the various albums, especially the song
“I’m Always Waiting” on Jensongs album Vol 2, as well as all our other songs from Jensongs Volume 1-3, with Volume 4 nearly finished.
Comments are Welcomed, we want to know what you think, any suggestions?
Jensongs blog # 16
Read this then go on our web site
We have 3 full albums of new original music, and 4th due to be released soon, a free pod cast, and more.
How do you handle a friend who constantly shuts down your friendship, or threatens to shut down your friendship, or constantly claims your not a real friend because you don’t call or text them at least every other day? Or what about summer when you go on vacation, and you don’t communicate with them much, due to your family recreation, and or your connective issues.
(some places cell phones and connections will not work) as they accuse you of lying?
Are you not a real friend to them? Are you being self centered by spending time incommunicado with your family? Is it really your fault that they feel they are always waiting for you or chasing you down? When you give them explanations, they call them excuses….
What do you do? You’re feeling like you’re walking on egg shells, and having to be careful of what ever you say may be either taken out of context, or mocked.
Others have suggested before, that you just continue living your life as long as you are not intentionally trying to hurt them, and when you come back, just ask them if they have gotten over this problem, are they ok now to continue on?
Go to Http:// and check out the various albums, especially the song
“I’m Always Waiting” on Jensongs album Vol 2, as well as all our other songs from Jensongs Volume 1-3, with Volume 4 nearly finished.
Comments are Welcomed, we want to know what you think, any suggestions?